Friday, May 30, 2008

And the Winners Are....

Linda from CPA and of Linda Jo's Obsessions
Tara from my church who does not have her own blog... YET!
Katie from CPA and of Ragamuffin Gal
Lori from CPA who does not have a blog that I know of
Angie from CPA and of ArtVisionz

Congratulations ladies!!

Sorry it took me a few days to get this posted - we had a family emergency on Monday, but I think everything has calmed down from that, and now we are all hyped up for my cousin's wedding tomorrow!! After the wedding excitement has died down a bit I will post pictures of my two little guys in their tuxes! SO Handsome!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

C is for Cross

These are the Cross inchies I made for a swap on Christian Paper Artists. It is an Alphabet Inchie swap, so I made 26 1"x1" collages depicting my letter, which was C. The crosses are metallic silver, so the glare caused the picture to overexpose, but I think you can get the hint. I stamped a C, hand wrote "is for" and cut out the word Cross. All of the inchies and the cut-out words are edged in Creamy Brown chalk ink. There are 5 different background papers used, all from a new line of Crate Paper called Blue Hill. On the back side is the verse.

For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

- Galatians 2:20

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Giving Away A House!

Thanks to all who posted helps for my houses for the swap!! I found out that my houses did not meet the swap criteria, so I had to start over!! They were too big (supposed to be 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 INCLUDING the roof - mine were that size, PLUS the roof). So I started over and created new ones that are completely different! I will upload a picture of them later, since the pictures are on my mother's camera, not here at home. Anyway - I decided to do a giveaway with the "too-big" house ATC's! All you have to do it post a comment on this post before Midnight Sunday May 25th, and your name will be entered. To say THANK YOU to those nice ladies who helped me out with my first attempt, All of your names are already entered in the drawing, and if you post a comment here, you will get a 2nd entry. :)

Winners will be drawn on Monday the 26th.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Help my House!!! Vol. 2

House ATC -- Round 2! I have added several elements to the house, and am liking it better already! There is now glitter on the roof, a design over the door, a door frame, doodles around the doorknobs (sounds like my 4 year old helped!), ink edging the roof, house and doors, plus words, blush & lipstick inside! :)
She says "Tell me you love me" and he says "my darling..."
This photo shows some of the background detail a little better. I think the door frame helped a lot.

Any other ideas floating around out there??

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Help my House!!!

Ok, I need some help here.... I am in a house-themed ATC swap on the Christian Paper Artists list. This photo is of my project at the moment -- but it still needs something. Keep in mind, these did not scan very well. The background is stamped in gold with antique gold pearl-ex dusted over it. The couple inside is not as pale looking as in the scan, but I think I am going to add some color to them-- lipstick maybe? I'm just not happy with them yet... please post any ideas you may have!!! thanks :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I was tagged by Linda...

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Now, as for 6 things about me....
1. I lived in the same house from the day I was born until the day I got married.
2. I have my boys' closets ultra-organized, but my own is a mess. How does this happen?
3. I hate getting dressed for semi-dressy things, like church or weddings. I would rather be in jeans than anything, but I do enjoy getting REALLY dressed up for super formal events too. It is the in-between stuff I don't like.
4. I hate doing housework, but I get really cranky when the house gets messy. (I think I need a maid...)
5. Speaking of cranky, I get REALLY cranky when I'm hungry.
6. When I was pregnant with my 1st, I told my hubby if it was a girl, I wouldn't have any more kids.

NOW --- Here's the really fun part -- the RULE BREAKING!!!!

I refuse to get started in an endless trap of these silly things (I told you I was a control-freak & a rule breaker!!!) so I am NOT going to tag 6 other people to carry this on (See Linda's Blog to see what I mean). Sorry for the disappointment. But hey, you still get to read the 6 quirky things about me, so it's okay, right???