Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Scrap Happy!

Wow - the last few weeks have been super busy! But I did find some time to scrap last weekend, so I thought I would post a few of my layouts... Considering it is my #1 hobby and I have yet to post any layouts here, I thought it was past time!

This is one of my favorites. AJ started playing T-Ball this year, and this is HIS page! He did the baseball, inked the edges of the pages, told me what order to put the pictures in, etc. I did the cutting and assembly, but he did the rest! He likes to help Mommy scrap. :)

These pictures were taken on February 4th- it was SO warm that day! The kids loved playing outside for a change. I thought these papers really went well with her dress. Sorry for the glare -- next time I will take the pages out of the protectors first....duh.

Grandma's birthday - there is more color to this LO in person. The large photo is of her looking at the recipe album I made for her. It is a 9x9 scrapbook filled with family recipes/traditions & photos. I am thinking it will be a continuing work in progress. Hopefully other family members will make pages to add to it!

Oh Boy! Hunter playing in the mulch at Silver Dollar City. An entire amusement park surrounds him, but no, he is intrigued by the mulch...

AJ and his buddy from church, enjoying popsicles and making mud pies in the lid of the Turtle sandbox. Oh, come on, admit it! You had the turtle sandbox as a kid too...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Blessings in my Mail

I have been wonderfully blessed with a lovely piece of artwork created by Katie, aka Ragamuffin Gal! She made this gorgeous name hanger for me to hang in my art room. Thank you so much, Katie!
Please check out her blog - she has one of the best blogs I have seen! She has wonderful posts on "Try something new Tuesdays," her artwork is great, and she posts the best pictures of her latest antiquing aquisitions. Make sure you look at the pictures she took at Leola's grand opening!
Katie and I met through CPA, only to find out that we live in the same town! We keep saying that we are going to get together one of these days, but with the schedules of a school teacher and a SAHM, it is hard to find time when we are both free! Someday soon, though!

She Sells Seashells

I am playing in another inchie swap on CPA. This one's theme is "by the sea". Here is my creation...

The sand is a piece of sandpaper that I cut to the right size, then tore the edge to give it a seashore-looking edge. I painted the blue background with a glitter glaze by Making Memories to make it sparkle like water. That is a real seashell, attached with a glue dot.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wedding Day!

Saturday, May 31 my youngest cousin got married.
Bride and Groom during the ceremony...
My oldest son was the ringbearer... Isn't he adorable??? Here is my family - I loved seeing all my boys in tuxes!

Here are "the girls" in my family, in front (obviously the bride) is my cousin. Then left to right is my sister, my mom, my aunt (the mother of the bride), me, and my Gramma. We were all asked to wear champagne, and the groom's family was asked to wear blue.

Here's to the happy couple!