Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthday Bandit

Sunday, February 1st -- Hunter's 2nd Birthday!! Yea! Oh, yeah, and then there's the Super Bowl too... Every year for the last 7 years or so, we have had a super bowl party, except one -- the year Hunter was born, we brought him home from the hospital on Super Bowl Sunday. So I guess that every few years his birthday will probably land on the same day as the Big Game. Oh well -- two parties in one day never killed anybody, right??

So I was baking the cake & cupcakes for the birthday party -- Veggie Tales of course -- the boy is obsessed! (If you are not familiar with Veggie Tales, get educated: I baked the cupcakes & had them cooling on the kitchen counter. I left the room for just a minute or two, and come back to this...
Now, being a semi-intelligent mother of two boys, you would think I would realize that this was not going to be an isolated incident. However, I was trying to prepare for two rather large parties at the same time, so I told him to leave the cupcakes alone, moved the step stool to another room, and went off to do something else. When I came back, he had brought the step stool back into the kitchen and...yep... two cupcakes -- one from each pan -- slightly molested by the Birthday Bandit. Thank goodness they were the cupcakes and not the big cake! After a few pictures (that I think will make a great scrapbook page) the Birthday Bandit was ousted from the kitchen, along with his trusty step stool. Once again, Mom prevails, and the party must go on. I turned the cupcakes into French Peas, and the 9" round cake into Bob. I think they turned out pretty well!

Both parties were a success. Congratulations to the Steelers & their fans. Personally, being a Chiefs fan, I didn't care so much about the game this year. Oh well... maybe next year, or in thirty years, or something... but I'm not holding my breath.