Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Leftovers

It is Monday.  The Monday after Thanksgiving.  Do you still have a fridge full of leftovers??  I do!  I did a little searching to figure out something to do with those leftovers.  Here are a few recipes I thought I would share.

Chicken Casserole
10 oz. pkg Stove Top Stuffing
4 cooked chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 Tblsp mayonnaise 
2 Tblsp sour cream
2 eggs
1 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350°.  Make stuffing according to directions.  Put 1/2 stuffing in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish.  Shred or chop chicken into 1 inch pieces & place over stuffing layer.  Mix soup, mayo, & sour cream together & spread over chicken.  Spread remaining stuffing over the soup.  Beat the two eggs with the 1 cup milk & pour over all.  Bake 1 hour.

I substituted Thanksgiving leftovers for the fresh stuffing and 2 cups leftover turkey for the chicken.   I needed to made several other adaptations to this recipe to make it dairy-free for my family (almond milk, no sour cream, and a cream soup substitute recipe), but it turned out really good!

For those leftover mashed potatoes, try searching for these recipes:
Leftover Mashed Potato Soup
Potato Pancakes
Potato Bread

Do you have any other recipes you like that help use up those Thanksgiving leftovers?? 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Week of Thanksgiving - part 4 & 5

Friday - I am so thankful for days off!  Especially the days my husband has off work.  Traditionally, we always decorate for Christmas the Friday after Thanksgiving, but we decided not to this year.  We just bummed around at home, and played with the boys.  We played a lot of Wii, which the boys loved!  No stress, no trying to make sure all the decorating was finished, no crazy Black Friday shopping, just time together as a family.  I think we might make this "Lazy Friday" a new tradition at our house!
Saturday - I am thankful for health.  My husband and boys are all very healthy, and I am SO thankful for that.  I am usually also very healthy, but lately have been having more issues than normal.  The days I feel really rotten remind me to be thankful on the good days.  (It also reminds me to be thankful for insurance and health savings accounts!)  I am thankful for what we have, because even when I am not feeling good, I know there are others out there who still feel worse than I do.  There is always someone out there who is worse off than you are.  Remember that.  It will help you keep things in perspective.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Week of Thanksgiving - part 2 & 3

Tuesday the 23rd - My Birthday!  

Today I am thankful for my family.  My family is very fortunate.  For the most part, we all live close together.  We live within 15-20 minutes of my mom, my husband's parents, and all my grandparents.   My boys are so lucky to have their Grandparents (and even Great-Grandparents!) close, and so involved in their lives.  So many kids do not have that.  I don't think my kids have any idea how blessed they really are.  And I am blessed to have my boys.  Yes, at times, they drive me crazy, but I love them.  They are good kids, and I have lots to be thankful for!
Wednesday the 24th - I am thankful for freedom - all kinds of freedom.  The freedom that we have as Americans.  Freedom in Christ.  The freedom to publicly worship God.  Freedom from worry.  Financial freedom.  All of these freedoms are ones that we enjoy, and far too often take for granted. What are you free from?

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Week of Thanksgiving

Happy Week of Thanksgiving!  I have decided to celebrate the week with a post each day this week featuring a Thank You card (or two) and one of the many things I am thankful for.

Monday -   First and foremost, I am so thankful for my husband.  I do not say it enough; to him, or to others.  He is truly a remarkable man.  He is very diplomatic and even tempered.  If you know me well, then you know I am neither of those things, so he balances me out I guess.  :) He is an excellent father - very involved in our boys' lives every single day. He has an uncanny knack for finding those "teachable moments" and making the most of them. He is a faithful man of God, and is teaching our boys to become men of God. He is a good provider.  He is a hard worker, and does a wonderful job at work, and at the same time, he is not a work-aholic.  With his line of work, he easily could be, but he chooses to make his family top priority, and I appreciate that.  He is trustworthy and dependable.  I have no fear or worry whatsoever regarding our future or our marriage.   He loves me, and I know it.  I often don't deserve it, but even when I am completely unlovable, he loves me unconditionally.   Every day I thank God for bringing him into my life.  The Lord has blessed me in so many ways, and I know that my husband is one of the greatest of those blessings.