Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Everybody wants to get more organized in the New Year, right??   Well, I am going to try to get more organized in my kitchen cabinets.   The cabinets are the worst for me.  You can close the door, so who cares what they really look like inside, right?  Except for that part about the junk falling out every time you open the door...   SO I decided that kitchen cabinets were the project for January.  I am pretty good about keeping my canned goods organized, and the dishes are pretty good too (except for those extra random coffee mugs everybody ends up with - I could stand to go through those).  I had already re-organized & purged the kids' cabinet - you know the one with the plastic plates & sippy cups & stuff.   I ended up getting rid of a lot of that since my youngest is 3 we really don't need all those sippy cups & plastic spoons & forks anymore.  But today I tackled one of the worst cabinets -- the one with our snacks, crackers, cookies, bags of chips, drink stuff, random dip mixes, etc.  It really is the "catch-all" cabinet for us.  If you are not sure where to put it, it goes in there.   I used some Modular Mates from Tupperware to do a lot of the organizing.  They worked out GREAT!!  I was very pleased.  Not only did everything I had crammed in there fit back in, but I added some other things, and still had room to spare!!  Here are the Before and After shots....