Monday, March 24, 2008

This Is My Now...

"This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment. As I look around I can't believe the love I see. My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt. That was then, this is my now..."

My first Blog post! I have finally done it. Here it is, in all it's mediocrity... my very own blog. My little corner of the web to talk about the things I love, and rant about the things that irritate me (that could be a lengthy list...), post pictures of my boys, share my heart and my art, and my love of all things Longaberger.

So why the title "This Is My Now"? It is a song that fits me at this point in my life. The last few years have been full of change and I have had to learn to trust in the Lord and be content with my life as He has ordanined it for this moment. His ways are not my ways, and He has a Plan that I am not in charge of, and do not know all the details. Let me assure you that my typical type-A "must control all situations at all times" personality has had difficulty learning this lesson. It is a lesson God is still teaching me, but I know that He is faithful, and this is my now.

Won't you join me on this journey? I have no idea where this path will lead us, but if we always know the ending, where is the excitement in getting there?


  1. Wonderful!

    I love you!
    -your best friend

  2. Congratulations on your new blog! I joyfully join you, for this is my now. And my God be glorified!
    Creatively Yours, Laura

  3. Chris congratulations on beginning a blog!!! I look forward to checking back and seeing how it goes! AND I have you entered into my giveaway twice!!!
    huge hugs
    Patti V
