Monday, May 4, 2009

Day in K

Friday, April 30, AJ went to Day in K at Thomas Elementary. The pre-kindergarteners get to visit their new school, meet the Kindergarten teachers, take a tour of the building, ride on a school bus, & eat lunch in the cafeteria. (He was bummed about not getting to try out the new playground, but it was raining.) He was super excited and looked forward to the big day all week! He was pretty nervous at first, and I think it was because there were a ton of kids & all their parents there. We broke up into groups, and after a while he really warmed up. He loved the fact that there are both stairs and ramps in his new school, and he is really excited about getting to try some of the specials classes. They rotate between 5 specials: P.E., Art, Music, Computers & Library. AJ says he is really excited about going to the gym and learning more about computers. Go figure... :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting. Looks like you guys have full day kinder. Wrapping up our first year of kinder here & getting ready for the next round in the fall. Such a fun and exciting time!

