Thursday, January 26, 2012

Momma's Little Monster

I have always hated those t-shirts for kids that say "Mom's Little Monster" or "Here Comes Trouble" etc.  Tell a kid they are a monster, or trouble, and guess what?  They believe you.  And they live up to that belief.  (geeez I sound like my mother....)

But THIS little monster is ADORABLE!!!!!   Found the idea on Pinterest, my new obsession, addiction, whatever you want to call it, there are some really great ideas to be found on there!

So, I took a pair of Hunter's jeans that he blew the knee out of, and magically transformed them into these super-duper-cute monster jeans.   And the best part??  HE LOVES THEM!!!! 

I used a pair of jeans, complete with hole in the knee, a piece of t-shirt scrap left over from a t-shirt quilt I made, a piece of felt scrap left over from AJ's Native American Diorama, (which I still need to post photos of...), buttons, a needle & thread.  I used embroidery floss because I wanted it to have that big, wonky, uneven look.

First, I stitched the felt to the t-shirt scrap.  I did this part on my sewing machine because I wanted it to be on there really well. 

Next, I cut the white felt into triangles to look like teeth.  I took this part, and put it inside the pant leg, glued it in place with fabric glue, then stitched around the perimeter of the hole.  Add a couple of buttons for eyes, and presto-chango... plain old holey jeans are magically transformed in to super-cute Monster Jeans!!!  RAWR!!


  1. Ha! So clever. I wonder if this will work on John's white coat...

  2. I LOVE this! I am not kidding, when Sloane rips her jeans, I am bringing them to you.
