Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dinner done right!

You know it's gonna be rocky at mealtime when the 5 year old comes into the kitchen, sees you cooking, droops his head dramatically, and whines "I waaaaantedd piiizzzzaaaa".

Sigh. I was trying this Baked Sweet & Sour Chicken recipe I found on Pinterest, and some fried rice. After complaining that he was NOT in the mood for Chinese food, I was pretty sure this was not going to be our most pleasant dinner table experience.

After it was finished & the table was set, he came in announcing how wonderful it smelled.   The hubby & I were both shocked.   We asked him to say the prayer, and he said "Thank you God for this day, and for this food - I think I might like it...."   it was all I could do to keep from laughing during the prayer.   Not that this is the first time I have had to bite my tongue during the dinner prayer...  especially when Hunter is the one doing the praying!  Anyway, all that to say, it was a huge hit.   Hunter loved it, even though he didn't think he would, and AJ said he was going to be very upset if even one piece of that chicken ended up in the trash.

It really was good.  The only thing I am going to try different next time is I would like to try it without the breading & frying.  I know it won't be as traditional sweet & sour that way, but I just want to see how it turns out.  All in all, I would HIGHLY recommend this recipe.  And so would the boys.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies

My kitchen is HOPPING today!!   I spent a couple of hours at school this morning, making copies & doing random odd jobs to help out the teachers, and now I am baking my little heart out!  Tomorrow is fall festival at our church, and I volunteered to make cookies.  I love baking.  Cooking is ok, but I really enjoy baking.   Of course, it is also much more fattening....   oh well!   Today I am making about 12 dozen chocolate chip cookies for the church festival, and figured I might as well make a few extra for the boys' teachers.   Hey, when you are making 12 dozen, what's an extra 3 or 4 dozen???  You lose count in there somewhere.

Every time I take these cookies to an event they disappear so fast I can't believe it.  I have been asked for the recipe dozens of times!! They are always nice & fluffy, never flat & runny. They are soft and wonderful.  If you like a crunchy cookie, bake them a couple minutes longer.  So, here ya go.   My nearly-famous magically-disappearing Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe.

ULTIMATE Chocolate Chip Cookies

3/4 cup butter flavor Crisco
1 1/4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
2 Tbsp milk
1 Tbsp vanilla
1 egg
1 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips**
1 cup chopped pecans**

Combine Crisco  sugar, milk & vanilla in a large bowl.   Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended.  Beat egg into creamed mixture.  Combine flour, salt, & soda.  Mix into creamed mixture just until blended.  Stir in chocolate chips & nuts.  Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 for 10 minutes for soft chewy cookies, or 11-13 minutes for crispy crunchy cookies.  Cool for 2 minutes on the baking sheet, then move to a cooling rack to cool completely.  **If nuts are omitted, add another 1/2 cup chocolate chips.

The best.  By far.  Just ask my husband.  These cookies might be the whole reason he married me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

paper pockets

today i ripped your name off the board. all the little paper pockets with so many names.  gone.  all of them in the trash.  and it hurt.  it was one more reminder that today is not yesterday.  i have never been one for living in the past, but today i wanted to.  i wanted everyone and everything to go away and leave me alone.  alone in the past.  where i was comfortable.  where i knew where i stood.  where i knew you were there.  yesterday, where it felt safer, friendlier, more comfortable.  today is unknown.  i don't like unknown.   

as i peeled off all those little paper pockets, some of them came off easily.  fine.  some of them were stubborn, and left little bits behind.   i can handle stubborn.  but some of them tore, and ripped, and left most of their paper attached to the board....  and i cried.  it hurt, ripping them off.  forcing them to leave the home they were so firmly attached to.  and i asked myself why for the hundredth millionth time.  the pain was so fresh again.  i was reminded, yet again, that we are not together anymore. ripped apart, just like those little paper pockets.  again i felt angry, hurt, sad, frustrated, betrayed...  and i hated each and every new paper pocket that i put in those places.  more and more and more unfamiliar unknowns. replacing the ones from before.  it's not fair.  i don't like change.

i don't want to move on.  i don't want to pretend like what we had didn't exist.  i feel like that is what they want me to do... but i won't.  i can't.  it was too wonderful.  you can't just ignore wonderful. but they didn't care.  don't cry because it is over, they say.  be thankful because you had it, they say.  easy for them to say.  they didn't have it.  they don't know what i'm missing

 i move on.  i go forward.  i will not live in the past.   but it is hard.  and it still hurts.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A new adventure begins...

The first day of school is always a new adventure, but especially so this year.  The first day of  the new John Thomas School of Discovery - a new year, a new school, a new kindergartener.... so many first steps today!!   My husband used to have a friend's dad who would drop them off at school and say "Boys, today is the first day of the rest of your life."   How true that is....

Are YOU ready for a new adventure???

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Well, we are finally ALMOST finished with the play room.   I thought I was done once, but I was wrong...    Two of my dear friends have moved out of state recently, and both of them had bookshelves they were getting rid of.   I can't pass up a good bookshelf.  And a free or cheap one from a friend is even that much better!!  So with a few coats of paint, and a little Pinterest inspiration, I turned three cast-off bookshelves into Play Room Perfection!!!
 First, we painted the three bookshelves a nice
"Lego Blue" color.  We brought them in the basement & got them positioned where we wanted, then screwed them together & used brackets to anchor them to the wall.   We wanted the two end shelves to stand up like traditional bookcases for storage, and the 3rd one we laid down to create a window-seat type sitting area, which AJ was more than happy to demonstrate.   Hunter insists that is not the only good sitting space....

Here it is after we got our stuff organized into bins & boxes, labeled, and put on the shelves.   We are putting some of the boys books here too, but keeping the majority of the books in their bedrooms.  The small wooden shelf is one my father in law made years ago that is perfect for those Lego storage boxes by Iris.  I am going to paint or cut letters on my Cricut for a quote I want over the shelf.  It will say "PLAY is the highest form of research. - Albert Einstein" 

Gotta love labels on boxes!  I printed labels off the computer with pictures of what is in each box and the words to help my learning-to-read 5 year old know where things go.  Eventually there will be a nice soft cushion on the bench part to make it a cozy spot to curl up with a good book or the latest Lego Club Magazine! We just have to go pick out the fabric.  Both boys want Lego fabric, but alas, I cannot find it

This corner has chalkboard paint on the wall, which the boys have really enjoyed.  They use that wide windowsill for displaying some of their favorite Lego builds, and store chalk and things on the Crayola shelf they got from Aunt Jenn.

This wall is where my Gramma and I have been painting Legos on the wall.   They aren't quite finished yet, but you can get the idea. 

It is definitely a Lego inspired room, but that is what my boys are really into!   We love the bright colors, without it being overwhelming. 

So, I think I will call this my Jane & Jill shelf, in honor of those friends who made this whole project possible!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Quilted Memories

Change, albeit unstoppable, is my nemesis.  This last week of school has been a very difficult week.  For the last three years I have submerged myself in the friendships, the love, the magic that has been John Thomas Elementary.   And Friday, all of that came to an end.  I was thinking about all that has happened over the last three years, and how many wonderful friendships and memories have been made.  Some of those memories I tried to preserve in quilts.  The Lawsonland quilt and the Thomas T-Shirt quilt, both of which turned out to be wonderful treasures. 

I started thinking about how many memories there are in quilts.  Almost everyone has a special memory attached to that special quilt Great-Grandma-so-and-so made.  A quilt they received as a wedding gift.  A quilt they remember sleeping under as a child.   What is is about that warm and snuggly fabric that attaches so strongly to our memories?  Some quilts are worn and ragged from years of love and use.  Some quilts are old, yet pristine, specially preserved over the years.  But no matter the condition, they hold memories.  Hundreds of moments captured in time.

It reminded me of a quilt I made in 2007, just a few months after Hunter was born.  I wanted to capture a bit of time (a year, actually) into fabric.  12 blocks, 1 for every month of the year.

It ended up being a much larger project than I anticipated, because I ended up making 4 of these.  One for each Grandma, one for Aunt Jenn, and one for Great-Grandma.  And then I decided they had to be done in time to give all 4 of them as Christmas gifts.  Each block represents a month with hand prints or foot prints, and is embellished.  Yes, I am that crazy.  No, I will not ever do that again!!!


 I ended up not having time to have all the actual quilting done, so I gave them quilt tops, the backing and binding, and let the family quilt them or have them quilted as they desired.  One day the boys will inherit these, and when they do, I hope they will give their families the opportunity attach loving memories to their own childhood hand prints.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mission Completion!

I remember hearing those words when the kids were in their "Little Einsteins" phase...  at the end of the episode, once the job had been finished, Leo would always shout "Mission completion!"   That was how I felt when I finished the quilt I have been working on for my son's teacher.   

Much more than a teacher, she is an encourager, a true educator, a lover of books and words, a photographer, a ruby red birthday kisser, a very passionate woman who pours countless hours of love and hard work into my child and 19 others for 8 hours a day every day.   I have spent many hours in her classroom this school year, and I have seen the hand of God in her room.  I have watched the transformation of those kids as they mature through the year.  I have seen the light of joy in their eyes as they finally "get it" after struggling with a difficult concept.  I have seen her tediously, meticulously, and lovingly go over and over and over something until they grasp that concept. I have seen the explosion of excitement as kids achieve the next level of rocket math.  (Literally, it is an explosion I tell you.  Jumping, screaming, the whole bit!)  I have witnessed her patiently listen and mediate those difficult moments between kids that often come in second grade.  I have seen her comfort a hurting child, and I have seen her be Jesus with skin on.  I have seen her call a kid's bluff, and make them own up to it.  I have watched as she draws the budding scientist  out of 20 seven and eight year olds.  I have watched her dance around the room singing silly songs at the top of her lungs, and teach spelling words like a high school cheerleader (complete with megaphone and pom-poms). When it is time to have fun, she is loud, she is crazy, and she knows how to have big time fun.  When it is time to work, she is an incredibly hard worker, and expects her kids to do the same.  But even more than all of that, she is a friend. She is my friend.  And I am blessed.


I wanted to do something extra special for her.  Something as special as she is.  A "teacher appreciation week" gift, "end of the year" gift, "thank you for being you" kind of gift. 

I know she loves photography and quilts, and I know she loves her students, and I know she loves her color scheme in her classroom. So I combined the things I know she loves, and made her a quilt.  This quilt:

She loved it, the kids loved it, I loved it.
I loved seeing her enjoy it, watching all
 the kids as they pointed out photos of
themselves, and yelled
"OH, I remember when we...."  

over 850 individual quilt pieces
    175 days of school
    42 photos
    20 kids
+ 1 awesome teacher
Lawsonland 2011-2012...  priceless.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh the places we'll go....

Moving Day is almost here!  8 days. (That's how long our house was on the market too... 8 days!) That's all the time we have left to pack, clean, pack some more, use up the food in the freezer, and keep packing!  :)  We are so excited about the new home we feel God has blessed us with.  I am really looking forward to life in the new house, to hosting Bible Studies with friends and youth, hosting Disciple Now weekends, providing a safe haven where our kids and their friends can hang out and know that there will always be a warm hug, a listening ear, and a good snack.  A crafty place where we can create and make memories, and a comfortable place where we can relax and catch up.  A playful place where can be loud and crazy and dance around to our favorite music.

We had the boys make up lists of what they wanted in a new house when we were house hunting.  It was very helpful because it gave us a window into what they valued as important, and what kind of spaces they would need.   It also gave us a pretty good laugh on a couple of things, especially on Hunter's list.

AJ's List:                                                          Hunter's List:            
Separate Bedrooms                                           Playroom
Shed or Workshop for Dad & AJ                     Craft Room (this was on Momma's list too!)
Flat Driveway                                                   New Refrigerator
Basketball Goal                                                New TV
Place to Ride Bikes                                          Swingset
Place for Archery Practice
Climbing Tree

We did not get the new TV on Hunter's List, and we are pretty sure we won't be able to do the swing set either.  The Archery Range on AJ's list is pretty much a big fat NO, and there is not a tree big enough to climb... yet.   But other than that, we did pretty good!   The Lord has really blessed us, and we are so very grateful.  

If you'd like to see the "Before" photos of the new house, they are pinned on my Pinterest Board. I will try to post "After" photos after we actually get moved in.  :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quotes to live by...

I have been thinking about quotes a lot lately.   I have pinned several on my pinterest boards recently, and I love finding the quotes on photos, or quotes with interesting fonts.  Albert Einstein is one of my favorites.  He has SO many good quotes on a variety of topics.  While searching for something totally unrelated, I ran across a quote attributed to him that I had not heard before, and really liked it. 

So I made this...

AJ and his Daddy have always shared story time at bedtime.  It is their very special time of the day.  This photo was taken back in 2007, when AJ was 4. Now, both boys enjoy story time with Daddy right before bed.  Anyway, when I found this quote earlier today, I immediately thought of this photo.  

The true wisdom here is not in the reading of fairy tales, which I do think is important, but it is in the time spent together.   Did you know that the average working father spends less than one hour a day with his children?  One hour.  That makes my heart break.  But it also reminds me of another great quote I read this week...  "Don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him."  I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who considers his family, his marriage, his sons a priority.  He takes the time to read bedtime stories, have tickle fights, and wrestling matches.  He recognizes the teachable moments and takes advantage of them.  He makes learning fun.  He does so much for our boys, and I am grateful. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Recipes Revisted

Life has gone completely wacko around here, (which is actually not all that uncommon)...  I am in a show at Stained Glass Theatre that opens on Thursday (I am not completely confident in my lines yet), Book Fair starts on Friday (I am the book fair chair), and we are listing our house for sale on Saturday (so I am deep cleaning, organizing, purging, boxing up "extra stuff", etc).  Plus work, kids, and all the normal stuff makes for a crazy hectic week this week!!

Looking for a few good recipes, but due to the stress & schedule of the week,
I have 2 strict guidelines they  must follow:
1.   stuff I already have in the cabinet so I don't have to go grocery shopping 
2.   quick prep or crock-pot, long cooking time is ok,  but nothing I have to babysit on the stove

Hubby & I have been dieting, so I have been making a LOT of chicken dishes lately.  He doesn't complain, but I know he is getting chickened-out.  He really is a red meat kind of guy, so I would like to make some things I know he likes & will give him a break from the chicken rut.  While looking through my 4 remaining cookbooks (I had take my cookbook shelf out of the kitchen, so had to box up all of my cookbooks & store them except for my 4 favorites...) I stumbled on a few recipes I used to make all the time that I have not made in a while.  These are all recipes that I know the kids like, so no fuss at dinner time, which is also important during an already stressful week.
I decided it was a perfect time to revisit these old favorites!

Grandpa Del's Meatballs:
2 lbs ground hamburger
2 lbs ground sausage
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup dry grated onion
salt & pepper to taste

Mix all together & let sit overnight.  Roll into walnut sized balls & brown in  skillet.
(This time I am going to make larger meatballs and bake them in the oven instead of browning.)

French Dip Sandwiches:
Beef Roast
onion soup mix
hoagie buns or home made rolls

About the same time you plan to eat the next evening, place a beef roast in the crock pot with enough water to cover.  Cook on low overnight.  The next morning, add 1 package dry onion soup mix.  Cook all day on low.  Shred cooked meat and serve on hoagie buns or homemade rolls, along with meat juices for dipping.

Glazed Pork Chops:
6 pork chops
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp sage
1 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 Tbsp water

Place chops in a 9x13 pan.  Make a paste of remaining ingredients.  Spread paste over chops.  Bake at 250° for 1 hour.  Turn & spoon drippings over, then bake another 15 minutes at 350°.

Monday, February 13, 2012

for the love of a good book...

It was a cold, gray, wintery day.  
But he was there, in that tree, reading a book. 

 Wanting to be outside, wanting to read.  
Being a boy, as every boy should be.

The photography is not great, but the story is.  
He is.  
She is, for encouraging him and fostering a love of books. 
I love books, I love him. 
I love her, and what she does for him.  
And I love these photos.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I feel a celebration coming on...

The little man turned 5 yesterday.   Wow...  it is hard to believe he is 5 already, and will go to Kindergarten next year!!!  I have been busy getting ready for his birthday party in a couple of weeks.  He wanted to have a Team Umizoomi birthday.   Great little show on Nick Jr. for kids focusing on early math skills, but there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING out there party-wise.  In fact, the only thing I have ever seen in the retail market with Team Umizoomi on it are some Pre-K math kits with workbooks and a DVD.

Super-Mom to the rescue!   Thanks to several google searches, pinterest, and some personal creativity, we have a pretty rockin' party coming together!!

Party Favors:
I printed labels with images from Team Umizoomi, and stuck the labels around bottles of bubbles, cans of play-doh, and wrapped them around a small chocolate for all the kids.  I also made a bottle cap necklace for each of the kids with a Team Umizoomi photo in it.

To make the necklaces, I used printed images, a package of bottle caps, a 1" circle punch, and Glossy Accents.  (Diamond Glaze & Crystal Lacquer are the same thing.) 

Punch out the images and glue them inside the bottle cap with a bit of Glossy Accents.  Then cover the entire image with a good layer of Glossy Accents.   They will take about an hour or so to dry completely, depending on the humidity where you are.  Punch a hole in the top of the bottle cap.  Make the necklace by putting a jump ring in the hole and attaching the bottle cap to a string, ribbon, or metal necklace.   Cute & easy!  Mine are not quite dry yet in the photo, so they still look a little "foggy".  Once it is really dry the Glossy Accents is completely clear. 

I used more printables from the Nick Jr website for the games.   We are going to have different stations for each of the characters.  Milli's Measurements, where the kids will get to measure themselves on a height chart & compare.  Who is tallest?  Who is smallest?  Geo's Shapes, where the kids will get to make pictures with shapes (think Tangrams or Playful Patterns).  Bot's Bellyscreen, where the kids will take their photos on a green screen.  I will put their faces in Bot's bellyscreen and mail the photos to them after the party as their thank you notes.  We are also going to have a scavenger hunt for various shapes & numbers.    At the snack table, kids will find shaped snacks and part of a pattern, where they can finish out the pattern with their snack shapes.

Cupcake Toppers:

Hunter wanted cupcakes for his birthday, so I found some cupcake papers with polka dots that match the color scheme, and made these adorable cupcake toppers using some scrapbook paper & printables from the Nick Jr website.

First, I cut scrapbook paper into 2 inch strips.  (You will need 2 strips for each rosette.)  Using a scoring plate, I scored every inch, then flipped them over & scored on the 1/2 inch.

After the strips are all scored, I attached the ends of 2 strips together.  Put adhesive on the "valley" end of one strip, and attach it to the "mountain" end of another strip.

After you get all of the strips glued together, accordion fold them along your score lines.  (Remember making those little fans & stuff as a kid?  Same technique.)

Here is my pretty rainbow of folded strips.  :)

If you are making cupcake toppers like me, glue a toothpick to one end of the strips at this point. If you are making medallions to use on cards or a scrapbook page or other project, skip this step.

Now, you need to glue the ends together, just like you did when making the long strips.  Glue a "valley" end to a "mountain" end. You will end up with a circle like this.  (For you cupcake people -- one of your ends will have a toothpick sticking out of it, which is not shown in this photo.)   

Now, take your circle and flatten it on the table.   I filled the center hole with hot glue.  If you do this, it really strengthens the medallion.  (Remember, I am making cupcake decorations for a bunch of 5 year olds!  I wanted them to be super sturdy!!)  If your medallion is going to be attached to a card or something, filling the center is not necessary.  If you DO fill it, I would suggesting using a non-stick craft mat under your work area.  

Cut out whatever you are using to decorate the center of your medallion.  I am using printables from Nick Jr. that fit my Team Umizoomi theme.
Decide if you only need an image for the front or if you want an image for front and back, based on what your project is for.  For my cupcake decorations, I wanted an image front and back.
I also suggest gluing your decorations to the flattened medallion with hot glue if they will be handled a lot. If not, most any adhesive will work fine. 

Here are my finished cupcake decorations!
Umifriends on the front, and the number 5 on the back.  The finished product is about 4" across, which is pretty big for a cupcake, but the little man said he wanted them big, so that's what he got!  :)

The big party day is still a couple of weeks away, but I will be sure to post some photos afterwards!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Momma's Little Monster

I have always hated those t-shirts for kids that say "Mom's Little Monster" or "Here Comes Trouble" etc.  Tell a kid they are a monster, or trouble, and guess what?  They believe you.  And they live up to that belief.  (geeez I sound like my mother....)

But THIS little monster is ADORABLE!!!!!   Found the idea on Pinterest, my new obsession, addiction, whatever you want to call it, there are some really great ideas to be found on there!

So, I took a pair of Hunter's jeans that he blew the knee out of, and magically transformed them into these super-duper-cute monster jeans.   And the best part??  HE LOVES THEM!!!! 

I used a pair of jeans, complete with hole in the knee, a piece of t-shirt scrap left over from a t-shirt quilt I made, a piece of felt scrap left over from AJ's Native American Diorama, (which I still need to post photos of...), buttons, a needle & thread.  I used embroidery floss because I wanted it to have that big, wonky, uneven look.

First, I stitched the felt to the t-shirt scrap.  I did this part on my sewing machine because I wanted it to be on there really well. 

Next, I cut the white felt into triangles to look like teeth.  I took this part, and put it inside the pant leg, glued it in place with fabric glue, then stitched around the perimeter of the hole.  Add a couple of buttons for eyes, and presto-chango... plain old holey jeans are magically transformed in to super-cute Monster Jeans!!!  RAWR!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Something New...

The hubby and I are trying to do the typical "eat at home more, eat healthier, lose weight, " routine.  Trying to ultimately lose some weight and save some money.  Sounds great, right?  Sure.  If you stick to it.  So far we have been doing pretty good.  We are not going overboard with it, but we are definitely doing better than we have in recent history.  We are both trying Body By Vi, which has been working well for us so far.  I love the fact that there are so many different recipes out there to use, so you don't feel like you are eating the same thing over & over.  I can't stand that.  My husband could eat a PB&J every day for the rest of his life, and never complain.  BOOORRRRIIING!!!  I demand more variety in my life.  But I digress...

The point of this post is really the fact that I have been trying some new things in the kitchen.  Trying to use my crock pot more often, which I love.  Trying some "freezer cooking", which I love.   Trying to combine the two and do some "crock pot freezer cooking" which I REALLY love!   Take an afternoon, spend it chopping up veggies, adding meats, seasonings, and what-have-you.  Ending up with several days, even weeks worth of meals all ready to throw in the freezer until you are ready to cook them.  I have found some recipes on the web that I have tried and have had pretty good results.  A few weeks ago I spent about 2 hours in the kitchen and had 7 meals in the freezer ready for the crock pot whenever I want.  Tonight's dinner was the best, though.   All 3 of my guys cleaned their plates, there was nothing left over.  Everybody raved about how wonderful it was, even the little grumpy guy!  I thought I should share.  I can't tell you that I found this awesome recipe you can make in advance and freeze, and it still tastes wonderful without giving you the recipe!  That would just be mean.  So, without further ado...


‎8 cups apples, peeled & sliced
3/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp allspice
1 1/2 pounds pork chops

  Place pork chops in bottom of slow cooker. In a large ziploc bag combine all other ingredients. squish around so apples are well coated. Dump apple mixture on top of chops. Cook on low 6-8 hours, or high 3-4 hours

Same as above, except freeze apple mixture in ziploc bag until ready to use. On cooking day, let apple mixture thaw on counter top about 30 minutes before putting over chops in the crock pot.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scout, our Elf on the Shelf

Back in November, my Grandma got the boys an Elf on the Shelf.  She thought it would be so much fun, and that they would love looking for it every day.   I was a little hesitant at first, but after doing some looking around online at all the funny things other people's elves had done, I realized how much fun it could be!  Now that the holidays are over, all the decorations are packed up & put away, I wanted to share a few of the funny things our elf, Scout, did this year.  Sometimes he was a little bit mischievous...  :)

The boys were sad to see Scout go, and sad that they didn't get to tell him goodbye on Christmas Eve.  So Scout got special permission from Santa to come back on Christmas morning to tell them goodbye, and leave a letter for them.   


 We will be waiting for you next year, Scout!!